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About dbt retry command

Support in dbt Cloud

dbt retry is supported in the dbt Cloud IDE.

Native support for restarting scheduled runs from point of failure is currently in development & coming soon.

dbt retry re-executes the last dbt command from the node point of failure. If the previously executed dbt command was successful, retry will finish as no operation.

Retry works with the following commands:

dbt retry references run_results.json to determine where to start. Executing dbt retry without correcting the previous failures will garner idempotent results.

dbt retry reuses the selectors from the previously executed command.

Example results of executing dbt retry after a successful dbt run:

Running with dbt=1.6.1
Registered adapter: duckdb=1.6.0
Found 5 models, 3 seeds, 20 tests, 0 sources, 0 exposures, 0 metrics, 348 macros, 0 groups, 0 semantic models

Nothing to do. Try checking your model configs and model specification args

Example of when dbt run encounters a syntax error in a model:

Running with dbt=1.6.1
Registered adapter: duckdb=1.6.0
Found 5 models, 3 seeds, 20 tests, 0 sources, 0 exposures, 0 metrics, 348 macros, 0 groups, 0 semantic models

Concurrency: 24 threads (target='dev')

1 of 5 START sql view model main.stg_customers ................................. [RUN]
2 of 5 START sql view model main.stg_orders .................................... [RUN]
3 of 5 START sql view model main.stg_payments .................................. [RUN]
1 of 5 OK created sql view model main.stg_customers ............................ [OK in 0.06s]
2 of 5 OK created sql view model main.stg_orders ............................... [OK in 0.06s]
3 of 5 OK created sql view model main.stg_payments ............................. [OK in 0.07s]
4 of 5 START sql table model main.customers .................................... [RUN]
5 of 5 START sql table model main.orders ....................................... [RUN]
4 of 5 ERROR creating sql table model main.customers ........................... [ERROR in 0.03s]
5 of 5 OK created sql table model main.orders .................................. [OK in 0.04s]

Finished running 3 view models, 2 table models in 0 hours 0 minutes and 0.15 seconds (0.15s).

Completed with 1 error and 0 warnings:

Runtime Error in model customers (models/customers.sql)
Parser Error: syntax error at or near "selct"


Example of a subsequent failed dbt retry run without fixing the error(s):

Running with dbt=1.6.1
Registered adapter: duckdb=1.6.0
Found 5 models, 3 seeds, 20 tests, 0 sources, 0 exposures, 0 metrics, 348 macros, 0 groups, 0 semantic models

Concurrency: 24 threads (target='dev')

1 of 1 START sql table model main.customers .................................... [RUN]
1 of 1 ERROR creating sql table model main.customers ........................... [ERROR in 0.03s]


Example of a successful dbt retry run after fixing error(s):

Running with dbt=1.6.1
Registered adapter: duckdb=1.6.0
Found 5 models, 3 seeds, 20 tests, 0 sources, 0 exposures, 0 metrics, 348 macros, 0 groups, 0 semantic models

Concurrency: 24 threads (target='dev')

1 of 1 START sql table model main.customers .................................... [RUN]
1 of 1 OK created sql table model main.customers ............................... [OK in 0.05s]

Finished running 1 table model in 0 hours 0 minutes and 0.09 seconds (0.09s).

Completed successfully


In each scenario dbt retry picks up from the error rather than running all of the upstream dependencies again.